Length: 5 miles (round trip)
Difficulty: Moderate/Difficult – steady climbing and some exposed rocky sections
Location: Orford, NH
Distance from Lake Morey Resort: 9 miles
What it’s like:
Starting in thick wooded forest and ascending steadily to a rocky summit, Mount Cube is the nearest of the White Mountains and offers incredible views of both Vermont and New Hampshire. The trail is a mix of dirt, rocks and wooden planks, with the last push to the summit a granite scramble. At the top, the Cross Rivendell Trail intersects the Appalachian Trail. You can continue on to the north peak once you’ve reached the south peak summit – the south peak offers views to the south and west while the north peak is the way to see more of the White Mountains to the east.
How to get there from here:
Turn left out of the resort parking lot, then right onto Lake Morey Rd. and left – under the 1-91 overpass and toward Route 5. Turn left on Route 5 north and continue through “downtown” Fairlee for about ½ mile until reaching Route 25A on your right (just after Red Clover Bikes and across from the gas station). Cross the bridge (Welcome to New Hampshire!) and take a right at the intersection with Route 10. In about ½ mile, turn left to stay on Route 25A. In about 7 miles, Baker Rd. will be on your right – turn here. The parking area is about 1 mile from the end of Baker Rd. and the trail begins about 150 feet beyond that, on the left.