Length: 8.2 miles (round trip)
Difficulty: Difficult – steep and exposed rocky sections, and a long hike
Location: Glencliff, NH
Distance from Lake Morey Resort: 30 miles
What it’s like:
Mount Moosilauke and South Peak Loop is an excellent year round adventure! This route takes you up the Gorge Brook Trail from the Ravine Lodge Trailhead to the summit of the massive Mt. Moosilauke. The summit of Moosilauke used to be home to the historic Moosilauke Ravine Lodge, the foundation of which is still visible today. This is also an excellent viewpoint of the surrounding White Mountains!
How to get there from here:
Turn left out of the resort parking lot, then right onto Lake Morey Rd. and left – under the 1-91 overpass and toward Route 5. Turn left on Route 5 north, and continue through “downtown” Fairlee for about ½ mile until reaching Route 25A on your right (just after Red Clover Bikes and across from the gas station). Cross the bridge (Welcome to New Hampshire!) and take a right at the intersection with Route 10. In about ½ mile, turn left to stay on Route 25A. In about 15 miles, turn left onto NH-118; then, after about 5 miles, bear right to stay on NH-118. 6 miles later, turn left onto Ravine Rd. and follow the road (usually lined with hiker’s cars) to the lodge and trailhead.